Kate's working on her short-film script, Hollywood Bandits, from a notion I suggesed to her, and it's looking very good -- she's really enormously gifted at storytelling and creating interesting characters from a mere notion. I hope she'll be able to shoot this as a short and submit it to the festivals. She's so good -- her USC student films were the best you've ever seen.
While we're driving down, I'll try to keep the RAV4 at a steady 65 or 68, see how the fuel use reacts -- we got 24 mpg coming in from Death Valley, but we were closer to 70 the whole way, so I want to see if even a few mph lower will help lower fuel use.
If it matters, that will be an incentive to drive slower when, in a couple of years, we revive our plan to drive all over the country.
If it has no significant effect, then we know we can do 68 or 72 when permitted without worrying about wasting gas.