Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What does "I will DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE!" mean, in the movie There Will Be Blood?

The phrase was used again, this time on the second page of the local newspaper a couple of days after the Oscar. In a short piece about the Oscars not getting much audience this year, the first sentence is: "No one drank the Oscars' milkshake."

I finally got a link to an explanation of this meme.

The lead character is referring to taking oil from neighboring fields by leakage or sideways drilling -- he's negotiating with a threat. He says he's already drained their field, next door, because when his field drains, their field flows down into his, and he takes that too. It's like, he says, he has an extra-long straw and is drinking the other guy's milkshake, even though he's across the room.

This snippet from the movie was played incessently in local radio ads for a couple of weeks before the Oscars. It would be totally mystifying to those who would not yet have seen the movie --
such as the audience for the ads. WHAT are the advertising pros THINKING?

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