Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Do Education and Science Cause Atheism?

From an article on Atheism on the CreationWiki, a Creationist version of the Wikipedia:

"...A Gallup poll found a clear trend demonstrating that higher education and belief in evolution as the source of human existence were concurrent. From these statistics it would appear that higher education, and particularly specialization in the natural sciences, will indoctrinate students into naturalism or an atheistic view of the world."


How about another conclusion: The more educated you are -- the more you learn -- and especially the more you learn about the world around you from scientific study -- the more you realize that evolution makes sense. And the more obvious it becomes, if you happen to think about it, that most religious beliefs are Stone-Age superstitions with no compelling arguments on their behalf.

The article also emphasizes the very large percentage of scientists who are atheists or secularists (have no religious commitments) or, as they refer to science, "believers in naturalism" rather than religious explanations of the world. Their argument is that education in science includes "indoctrinating" students.

More plausibly (to me), the more you learn about the world around you, the more likely you are to drift away from religious explanations of that world. Because you find the naturalist explanation and view more reasonable, more rational, and more sensible. Sooner or later, you become unable to deny your observation of the stone-age superstitious underpinnings of mainstream religions, because you just know better. And that is why you lose your religion--you've got a better explanation--not because of propaganda or indoctrination or even social pressure -- considering that most atheists in the USA are quite reluctant to openly express themselves on the topic because of the irrational hostility you are likely to provoke from random quarters.

People are so strange....

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