date Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 2:12 PM
subject You should have samples too, not just full meals

We're coming to the Garlic Festival this year again, after a long absence.
I see on your FAQ, however, that food at the booths is "for full meals, not samples."
This is a really bad idea, and a huge lost opportunity -- I can't believe after 30 years you still haven't figure this out.
Last time we went, it was basically "100 choices, pick ONE" because you can only eat one, maybe two full meals. So I miss out on sampling many wonderful garlicky concoctions.
This is nuts. It;s like having a wine festival that only lets you buy full bottles of wine -- no sampling. How does that make sense?
If you let booths offer (and charge for) samples, everyone would try as many different great things as possible -- and you and the booths would make more money than ever. We visitors would be happier.
Wine and beer fests have learned this lesson a hundred years ago. Please, SOMEBODY at the Garlic Festival management, learn this simple lessons some year soon!
(And yes, I figure there is some kind of idiotic roadblocks as the likely explanation, like some government regulation. You should campaign for modification of such rules -- every garlic lover in the state would support you.)
Yours truly, but disappointedly,
Mac McCarthy
Castro Valley CA