Monday, June 29, 2009

Mr. Deity Complains about The Book

An original Gutenberg BibleImage via Wikipedia

This latest episode of the funny Mr Deity web show has Himself complaining about how bad he looks in The Bible.

Funny, mean, true. Love it!

(Mr Deity is a satirical series about goings-on at God's HQ; hard to describe, easy to enjoy! Highly recommended. Here's a snippet from the Wikipedia entry: "...A series of short comedy films about God surveying the universe with his assistant. The first episode, called Mr Deity and the Evil, features only Dalton and his friend, cinematographer Jimbo Marshall, making decisions about what evils to allow.")


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there Mr. McCarthy, I'm a brazilian journalist and i'm writing a piece on the 'For Dummies' series. I would really like to interview you for it.

You can reach me at

Pedro Markun